Tuesday, May 27

Huh, What?

So, how's the bathroom remodel coming?? That good huh...

Seems a little hard to believe that we have already been living in Maine for a year. We are still finding new things to do and having a lots of fun. Last week we dined on fiddleheads for the first time, they were pretty awesome. I guess you can get good things out of the back of some dude's truck.

Another Memorial day here and passed! Ben and I both had a 4 day weekend so we drug out the camping gear and got outside. We chose a canoe-in campsite which is not problem if it isn't too windy and Woof sits still. He was a champ except for all the leaning but it wasn't windy and there were no dumps, no wet sleeping bags, no crabby pants. Woof even went out with us fishing and aside from becoming utterly bored to death he did great. Oh and the views were pretty sweet too.

In the past few months I have been learning to quilt with some ladies at church. It is alot of fun plus the quilts we make all go to Lutheran Social Services for mothers at risk. I even got brave and made a baby quilt all by myself for my new nephew Jackson (I have 5 nephews and 4 nieces!). Here is Jackson Five and his new quilt. Looks good on ya little man, I can't wait to meet cha.

Ok back to the bathroom because that is always on the brain. My mom is coming to visit on June 12th, so we have 2 weeks to finish this beauty up. Here is where we are today and yes the bathtub is functional. I took a bath for the first time since September (we did not have hot enough water upstairs before) and it was great. Oh the do-it-yourself fun I acquired when I married the son of a contractor. Like traveling, remodeling pushes the limits of any marriage. But honestly for the most part it has been pretty darn fun but still, we will be glad when it is done.

Friday, May 9


For months we have been cursing the stooopid crows that hang out in our yard and dig up the grass. In fact what was quite a luscious lawn last summer has now turned into this... bummer

Little did we know we were being punked by a freakin skunk. Woof had found a den in the backyard and Ben was planning on trapping whatever was in there. In the meantime we were told we probably had a skunk. Sure enough at sunset, the first night we looked, we spotted the white stripe working through the yard like a roto tiller. Ben tried for a shot but was not even close to quick enough and the stakeout began. We spent 3 nights peering out our bedroom window with a 22 and pair of binoculars. Ben got off one shot but no cigar and eventually we surrendered and went for the trap. Here's the catch of the day and the best part was the sucker didn't spray.