Friday, May 9


For months we have been cursing the stooopid crows that hang out in our yard and dig up the grass. In fact what was quite a luscious lawn last summer has now turned into this... bummer

Little did we know we were being punked by a freakin skunk. Woof had found a den in the backyard and Ben was planning on trapping whatever was in there. In the meantime we were told we probably had a skunk. Sure enough at sunset, the first night we looked, we spotted the white stripe working through the yard like a roto tiller. Ben tried for a shot but was not even close to quick enough and the stakeout began. We spent 3 nights peering out our bedroom window with a 22 and pair of binoculars. Ben got off one shot but no cigar and eventually we surrendered and went for the trap. Here's the catch of the day and the best part was the sucker didn't spray.

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