Friday, October 26

Of Mice and Moles

Mole Day, Mole Day - Did you miss it? Tuesday 10/23 at 6:02 was mole day or for you non-chemist types, a celebration of Avogadro's number which is 6.022 x 10^23, the number of molecules in a mole. Yeah!!!! We celebrated Mole Day in grand style by trapping and killing the giant mole that has been bulldozing through our yard for the last month. Nice catch Ben, that sucker was destructive.

We seem to be catching alot of rodents these days, check out the mouse friend I found in our kitchen. With the cold weather creeping in they are finding every crack and hole in our 100 year old house and letting themselves in. This catch happened sometime between 6 am when Ben left and 8 am when I arose so I got to discover the mess. Yuck, I just covered it with a paper towel and was on my way.

I am in the middle of a horrible 400 level Statistics Course that is like Greek to myself and most of the class. On Tuesday the professor still had not shown up 15 minutes after class was scheduled to start but nobody was leaving, we all just sat there like bumps on a log. Finally I dialed up his office on my mobile and handed the phone to my chatty neighbor. Apparently Bill had totally forgotten about class and 5 minutes later he raced in huffing and puffing. The poor guy proceeded to tell us that Alzheimer's runs in his family and he has this exact nightmare every year before classes starts and today it had come true. Hmm it is amazing how something so funny can become so not funny so quickly.

Well the leaves are about done but they were awesome. Last Sunday we went one of our favorite hikes in Camden State Park to leaf peep. It was really cool but now that they are done, bring on the snow!!! We are ready and waiting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You scared the poor little creature, he peed on your floor.

Cuz D