Tuesday, January 30

The Honeymoon is Over!

And I am not that sad. With all the wedding prep and excitement/stress it is good to be done and start living our life together. Bring on the gift opening, thank you cards and domestic life of laundry and bag lunches. I am ready....

We did have fun away in fact here we are at day 4, still happy, still smiling, still talking to each other. Never mind that Ben lost his ring about 24 hours after the nuptials and we spent 16 hours in the car driving across NoDak and Montana. Agh those are just details.

Montana was awesome, honestly how can you not be happy when you wake up to a view like this? Let's just say I know it is possible but still Bozeman Montana would be one cool place to live. Besides the sweet view we also got to snowboard at both Bridger Bowl and Big Sky, got in some skate skiing and stayed in a little shanty at the base of the Crazy Mountains. Good times!


amazing said...

The blog is back.

Nice to see you and Benny the other night.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Beth told you, but man, I am jealous of your honeymoon destination...not as jealous of the drive as we did the same to Kalispell last year...we are thinking of hitting up Zion this year...congrats on the puzzle :) quite some dedication