Tuesday, January 30

The Honeymoon is Over!

And I am not that sad. With all the wedding prep and excitement/stress it is good to be done and start living our life together. Bring on the gift opening, thank you cards and domestic life of laundry and bag lunches. I am ready....

We did have fun away in fact here we are at day 4, still happy, still smiling, still talking to each other. Never mind that Ben lost his ring about 24 hours after the nuptials and we spent 16 hours in the car driving across NoDak and Montana. Agh those are just details.

Montana was awesome, honestly how can you not be happy when you wake up to a view like this? Let's just say I know it is possible but still Bozeman Montana would be one cool place to live. Besides the sweet view we also got to snowboard at both Bridger Bowl and Big Sky, got in some skate skiing and stayed in a little shanty at the base of the Crazy Mountains. Good times!

Thursday, January 25


Well we made it through our big day, I am all moved in with my man friend and my name is changed. Still kind of feels a little surreal. I guess alot of sinking in needs to happen. And I need to accept the fact that I am married to a guy who would pose like this for a photo. Hmmm, that is going to take a while.

Thursday, January 11

T-2 The Great Puzzle Challenge

I accept my defeat, the puzzle is not going to be finished. Here is where it stands...

and I am on my way to Willmar.

I stopped in the office to take care of some last minute things and noticed an email from Netflix that my card had been declined. Hmmm what would cause that? Maybe a charge from Mexico for $65 followed by 3 attempts at $100 and an attempt at $700 all in one day, yep that will put a hold on your account. Good thing I had been using the card to download some songs from I-tunes here in the US or the transactions from Mexico would probably not have been flagged. Thank you Bank of America you rock!

T-2 The Great Puzzle Challenge

I accept my defeat, the puzzle is not going to be finished. Here is where it stands...

and I am on my way to Willmar.

I stopped in the office to take care of some last minute things and noticed an email from Netflix that my card had been declined. Hmmm what would cause that? Maybe a charge from Mexico for $65 followed by 3 attempts at $100 and an attempt at $700 all in one day, yep that will put a hold on your account. Good thing I had been using the card to download some songs from I-tunes here in the US or the transactions from Mexico would probably not have been flagged. Thank you Bank of America you rock!

Friday, January 5

T-7 The Great Puzzle Challenge

Wow in one week my life will be very different. If I have any last minute cold feet I can always pull this, but I don't foresee that being necessary. It has all become real now, my dress and Ben's suit are both hanging in my car ready to be transported to Willmar and pretty much everything is done so yeah lets get this moving on, huh?
Ben would tell you we can't really move anything on until all 5000 of my puzzle pieces are connected. Here is where we are looking, we made good headway last night, Ben even helped for a couple of hours and notified of every found piece by yelling BAAMO. Oh boys, they are a weird species.

Tuesday, January 2

T-10 The Great Puzzle Challenge

Well the long holiday weekend did not lend me much time to work on the puzzle but I made a sizable chip in it yesterday. Thank you Ben for your help, I know you got 4 pieces before you fell asleep in the chair.

We spent the weekend in Wausau for a special wedding. The kicker was we shared a hotel with the Harlem Globetrotters, Sweet. I got a photo with the tallest dude on the team, the guy who had a nose as big as my whole face. Hey Gordon Malone, you are tall and I think I could take a bath in your shoes.

Well the day we had been waiting for finally came, we got the results of our Professional Engineer exam. Ben passed! I thought he was going to break out in song he was so excited, oh wait he did, "I passed, I passed, I can't believe I passed!" I had my results mailed to my workplace so I had to wait until Tuesday morning to learn my fate. When I got to work my mail was on my desk and it wasn't the same envelope Ben had received so I knew. If I got to pick which one of us passed I would have chosen Ben because he needs it for his current position and would have slaved through it again in April. Myself I wouldn't really use a license even if I had it and I probably won't retake, it was a royal drag.

Let it be known that I could change my mind, I am a glutton for punishment. Every time I am running a marathon I say, this it, never again because this sucks. Well eight marathons later I am pretty sure I will run another and in less than two weeks this city girl is marrying a 75 year old farmer trapped in a 28 year old enginerd's body. That could be the challenge of a lifetime!