Tuesday, December 18
Winding Up the Year
Sadly one of my kids took their own life last Friday. It has been a very difficult situation for alot of people including myself. Lance was a grandson, a son, a big brother, a nice kid, a smart kid, and a good student. He will be sadly missed by many. My thoughts and prayers are with those who love him.
Okay I need to talk about something not quite so sad because now I am feeling really bad. Did ya know that we HAD an awesome base of snow here in Bangor, at least 2 feet on the ground. Check out Woof up to his rear in a sweet snow fort. Then Sunday we learned all about the nor'easter, the wicked storm system that likes to drop rain on the east coast when temperatures are below freezing. After a few hours of rain everything had magically turned to ice. That is not good for skiing, snowboarding or snowshoeing, boo-hiss. Right now we have an inch of ice on our driveway and a inch of salt and sand on the roads. It is a mess but I am not complaining, I got my snow, my family, my friends and we are coming home for Christmas. There isn't much else I need!
Thursday, November 29
Oh Doggie!
We had a good first Thanksgiving away from Minnesota. Thankfully a little bit of home came to see us via my in-laws. I was slightly nervous as we were hosting them for the first time and you just never know if one lives up to the expectations' parents have for their son's wife. Everything turned out just fine, I passed the test and I even learned to make fried rice and egg rolls. Ben's parents really liked our house as Ben's mom so eloquently told us, "Oh your OLD house is really nice, when Benjamin told me it was a hundred years old, I thought it would be a real dump".
I really love Christmas, the decorations, the music, the cookies. It is a can't go wrong kind of holiday. This year I wanted to watch all the shows I remembered watching as a little kid so I was pretty bummed when I realized I missed the Charlie Brown Christmas special. To make it up to me Ben brought a piece of the special home to me. Check out our Charlie Brown Christmas tree, not an exact match but pretty darn close. Don't worry Ben, I think it is cute and it really fits our OLD, not dumpy house.
Tuesday, November 13
The BIG Four-OH
I remember our parents turning 40 and it does not seem that terribly long ago (20 years I guess), man time flies. This 40 year old man loves reading the paper, talking political smack, snacking on cookies, Miami Hurricane football, St. Louis Cardinal baseball, playing the devil's advocate and rolling pillow case corners into his nose. He is my brother, my favorite brother, my only brother. "The 40 Year Old Virgin" although a great movie is not his biographical tale but "Deuce Bigalow Male Gigolo", now that movie reminds me of him. Okay I will stop poking fun, he is a good guy with a good heart and now he is also an OLD man.
Happy Birthday Ronnie Dean,
love your little sister.
Wednesday, November 7
Winter's Marching In!
Halloween came and went without one trick or treater. We carved pumpkins, bought candy, and left the lights on but no one stopped. We live on quite a busy street so we thought at least one person would see our sweet jack o'lanterns and stop on by. But we weren't total LOSERS sitting around all night waiting for no one, a classmate had a halloween party and it was pretty fun.
Being sports fan we moved to Maine at a good time as New England teams have been ripping it up. The Sox won the World Series, Boston College is #2 in college football, the Patriots are undefeated and the Celtics are looking stellar so far. And yes we like to remind everyone that these teams would not be so great without the help of Minnesota. David Ortiz, Randy Moss and Kevin Garnett all started in MN and if we had not let them go these beloved teams just would not be the same. So New England you are welcome.
Woof you are not. Welcome that is, for digging a giant hole in your dog kennel. Oh boy, whoever said having a dog is good training for a kid was right. He can be such a stubborn mule and then he makes us laugh until we cry, oh Woofer. Check out Ben trying to hold him like a 92 lb. baby, he hated it but didn't move, just sat there clenched up in a ball, holding his breath, with an embarrassed look on his face. It was too funny....
Friday, October 26
Of Mice and Moles
We seem to be catching alot of rodents these days, check out the mouse friend I found in our kitchen. With the cold weather creeping in they are finding every crack and hole in our 100 year old house and letting themselves in. This catch happened sometime between 6 am when Ben left and 8 am when I arose so I got to discover the mess. Yuck, I just covered it with a paper towel and was on my way.
I am in the middle of a horrible 400 level Statistics Course that is like Greek to myself and most of the class. On Tuesday the professor still had not shown up 15 minutes after class was scheduled to start but nobody was leaving, we all just sat there like bumps on a log. Finally I dialed up his office on my mobile and handed the phone to my chatty neighbor. Apparently Bill had totally forgotten about class and 5 minutes later he raced in huffing and puffing. The poor guy proceeded to tell us that Alzheimer's runs in his family and he has this exact nightmare every year before classes starts and today it had come true. Hmm it is amazing how something so funny can become so not funny so quickly.
Well the leaves are about done but they were awesome. Last Sunday we went one of our favorite hikes in Camden State Park to leaf peep. It was really cool but now that they are done, bring on the snow!!! We are ready and waiting!
Monday, October 15
Yep, We are still kickin'
The leaves out here are pretty awesome right about now. We now understand why all the fuss about the new England colors. The colors are intense and every other tree is a blazing maple (sorry but the pictures just do not do it justice) One thing we still don't get is why all the fuss about Dunkin Donuts. Why is there a Dunkin Donuts on every street corner, somebody please tell me!
Friday, September 21
Finding our Groove
Now that we are 95% settled into the new pad we have time to do things that involve other people, most people call these such things social events. Last night we went to a Happy Hour that our nerd cave organizes every week. Yes 15 Graduate Students in Math and Physics are really about as cool as you can imagine they would be. In their (okay and MY) defense the conversations were quite scientific and nerdy but alot of what came up was actually quite interesting. Plus everyone is really nice. Ben spent the time we had there nicknaming every single person, Agent Orange, Kansas, Potato Chip, Corner Pocket and Ho-Town Yellow Banana are some beautiful nicknames that I am sure will stick for the duration of my time here at UMO. Thanks Ben.
As winter is fast approaching and all the Main-ahs ask, ya got yer wood in? We do have our wood in, Ben happened upon a shed full of wood all split, dried and ready to go that someone was trying to get rid of. This is a pretty awesome deal as our house is big and old and is going to be a bear to heat in the winter. Who knew we would ever get so excited over a big pile of old wood?
Speaking of other awesome deals I just got offered a position in a Research Project that just received a big ol grant. After this semester I will no longer be teaching Algebra but will be paid to do my research and work on my thesis. This project involves bringing an interactive super computer climate model of the earth into the middle school science classroom to teach students about climate change and global warming and also to familiarize them with models, large data sets and system interactions. It seems to be a really good fit for my background in wind, mechanical engineering and physics and I am really pumped. Sometimes things just feel right and right now school feels right!
Wednesday, September 12
Everything looks different
Lots of things have changed in the week since we moved. For instance here is the view off our back deck, sweet eh? We have had discussions on wether or not we are really in town, I say no as we have no sidewalks and our house does not show up on the Bangor inset of the official Maine State Map. Ben says we are for sure in town as we have city water, city sewer and city garbage but mostly because we have city traffic. Bottom line, you can call it what you like, it is a fine compromise for this downtown dweller and her country boy.
Out with the old in with the new is theme of late. Here is my old hair I cut off, I decided to grow some new stuff. I actually went in for a trim and ended up donating 8 inches to Locks for Love. I think it is pretty cool that someone would even want my hair and hey if you can use it to make a kid with cancer feel normal than go for it!
We also decided we needed to customize the wagon a bit, you know make it stand out from all the other Boobarus around, so we are having some custom tinted glass installed. No wait we are actually replacing the window that the stupid tv knocked out in the move. Check it out, looks good with a porthole huh? Because the window had to be ordered and it was forecasted to rain all week I had to make a window out of tape and cardboard. Now we fit right in, if only we had less teeth we could be true Maine-ahs.
Wednesday, September 5
Three Times is a Charm
I started class on Tuesday also, what a big day September 4 was. I don't feel totally out of my element but don't really fit in either. I for sure am not nerdy enough for the crew I got thrown in with. Physics PhD candidates spend a large percentage of each day convincing themselves how smart they really are, uhm excuse me loser you might get the physics right but you got the rest of your world back asswards. Yes it is a total nerdfest in our Grad Office and I am guilty by association.
As part of my responsibilities as a Graduate Assistant I am teaching a College Level Algebra class and it is going to be a learning experience for us all. One interesting (OK super old) freshman got a little scared when I told the class that any math or engineering majors were in the wrong classroom. I guess he is attempting to major in some kind of engineering against the advice of the University. He told me his story and I being the unsympathetic person that I am just told him to take it one day at a time and remember it is only day one. I know the poor guy doesn't have a chance he is already freaking out. You know the old saying, there are no stupid questions, well it's not true because he asked 3 of them today alone.
Thursday, August 23
NOT Sold
In more positive news the tourist season is in full swing and there are alot of people to be looked at. Check out this mother daughter European afro head duo . Now that is crazy, wow they must not own a comb between them and the bald dad.
I did FINALLY get my teaching assignment and class schedule for this fall. I lucked out and only have class 4 hours a week plus I teach Algebra 3 hours a week. Not too shabby. You got to wonder though, who takes algebra in college? I am guessing not people who like math so I may be in for a challenging semester.
Tuesday, August 14
We took a week and spent 3 days packing, 2 days driving and 2 days visiting family, friends and the lake. It was hectic and crazy but now it is done and we are home. 30 hours in a rental truck with a bearded man and hairy dog were about enough to drive anyone crazy but we made it and have happy pictures to prove it.
In just 10 days we close on a house here in Bangor so we get to move again. The moving won't be fun but living in a house that is truly home to both of us is going to be awesome.
In other exciting news Woof is now a Maine resident and has been such a good dog. I will ignore the first rest stop in which he sat in a puddle and last night when I busted him ripping open the garbage. A dog is a dog, a boy is a boy. You can't change em, you just gotta love em!
Wednesday, July 18
Picture Perfect
Friday, July 6
RIP Larry
The tiny town of Thomaston was supposed to be worth checking out so we were both excited to get there. It turned out to be a half a dozen food stands, 2 ponies, a couple of flea market stands and a band on a makeshift stage in a parking lot. Turns out the band was actually pretty good so we grabbed some fair food and sat down and listened. We didn't meet anyone but wow was the people watching at a premium, people were just plain scary looking. I got this neato picture of a woman shopping for t-shirts.
See the t-shirt she is wearing isn't quite working for her, time to get a new one!
By 5 pm we had pretty much seen what we wanted to see so we headed home. There were a couple of dudes selling seafood on the side of the road so we decided to get our first fresh lobster. You know when in Maine, be a Mainer. I rode home with Larry Lobster by my feet, he was very much alive and I very much did not like the idea of killing him. I mean if he was already dead we would have to eat him but he wasn't. I could let him go and he would frolic in the sea and be happy, instead he was in a plastic grocery bag getting ready to die. Well he did die and we did eat him and I did feel bad but such is life. Ben got a kick out of the whole thing so hey if I made his day.....
Thursday, June 28
Counting Crows
We have lucked out as Ben has had a couple of Fridays off since I got here and 3 day weekends are pretty sweet. Last weekend we drove up to the Northern Appalachians, walked through a tractor show and then spent the rest of the weekend hiking. The views were awesome but we earned them, dang it takes alot out of ya climbing a couple thousand feet.
Here we are on a couple of peaks, above that's me looking a little awkward on Mt. Blue 3192 ft. up and below is Ben on Tumbledown Mtn, very much concerned at the 700 ft. drop on 3 sides of him.
We have made progress in becoming legal Maine residents. We now have our Maine drivers license, we have changed our mailing addresses and have taken care of most of things one must do when moving far away. Some things were very easy but others just don't make a whole lot of sense to Minnesotans like us. What in the world is excise tax? Why do you have to check a new car for emissions? And why doesn't anyone here use their blinkers or have teeth?
Tuesday, June 12
Acadia is Awesome
Monday, June 11
1495 miles, 29 hours, and 47 gallons of gas later...
Thursday, May 31
Asleep at the Wheel - Not just a band...
Thursday, May 24
Lobster Lovers
Memorial Day is upon us, aka the Gateway to summer and the best time of the year. Lonely Ben found a dude to take him out lobster trapping over the long weekend. That should be fun and saves him from being bored dead for 3 whole days. Apparently weekends alone are just not working out for him. I hope he learns how to snare the big ones as I am a big lobster fan.
I will be plenty busy here trying to get our cabin ready for the summer and packing for my big road trip across Canada. I have never been to Canada which isn't that unbelievable as most people go to Canada to fish or underage drink and I don't really do either. OHHHHH Canada!
Thursday, May 17
Maine on the Brain
For those of you who enjoy lighthouses, you have come to the right place. Here is a neat candy striped one in Lubec, Maine, the eastern most point in the lower 48. Seriously people there are so many things to see and do here plus I just found out they even have a Target! You need to get out here and see it, heck I need to get out there and see it!!
Actually, due to recent developments I will be getting out there and seeing it very soon. I gave my two weeks at work today, Ben is flying home on June 1 and we are getting on with it. The house will sell when it sells, we are done putting our lives on hold to do so. I also found out I got into Grad school at UMO and start September 1, yay I'm gonna be a Black Bear! I will continue to work for enXco for at least the summer via the Internet but otherwise will be pretty fancy free this summer. COME SEE US!!
Tuesday, May 15
Home away from home.
Thursday, May 10
Sad Day
I just got an update from the road and they lost a bike tire. The yakima wheelfork is a total piece of crap! I have lost a tire on two other occasions but have been able to recover it both times, today Ben was not that lucky. After searching for an hour and a half the guys gave up and Ben now owns a unicycle. And sadly enough, I was the one who talked him into using the dumb thing, darn it.