Tuesday, December 12

Two down, one to go and it's the big one!

Well Darcie and I survived the Las Vegas marathon. Look at how happy we look at the start. Funny thing is I was not happy at all, I mean it was 5:45 am and I had been up for over an hour and I was crying inside just thinking of the 26 horrible miles of desert duststorm we were about to encounter. Okay maybe it wasn't that bad but it did hurt pretty good.

We are nearing one month to go on the big day, SCARY. It seems we have everything under control but I am hoping day of circumstances don't resemble either the PE or the marathon. You know what I mean, getting to the day not quite sure that you are fully prepared and then realizing that you didn't quite know what you were signing up for. I have heard weddings can be like that, but I have also heard they can be pretty cool. Let's hope for the later, huh?

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