Monday, September 19

Extreme Dress Challenge Day #25 - FINALE

Well I made it to Day 25, YES!!!! My final offering is a beautiful little number, handmade by my friend Melita for a 4-H project, worn to a Broadway showing of Les Mis and now the showcase of my 25 dress collection. This dress also fulfills my obligation over a bet placed at dinner some weeks ago. Tami and Jason this is a shout out to you! I love this dress, perfect cut, perfect color, perfect bow and absolutely perfect sleeves. I give it a 10+. I did have a couple people ask me if those were darts on the bodice or if it was a bit chilly in here today. Come on people, that is part of the allure, not knowing. Quote of the day "Give me your number? Like I'd ever call you!"


Anonymous said...

25 days, 25 dresses
her attitude impresses.

25 dresses, 25 days
"pay up dear friends" she says.

Anonymous said...

hey, why stop at 25? this look is HOT.