Thursday, September 15

Extreme Dress Challenge Day #23

I am excited to cut paper, I love cutting paper, uh huh. I am starting to struggle with new and exciting photo opportunities, it is a good thing this extreme challenge is winding down. I decided to carry this dress to work today and then change, it was just too risky to try to wear it. This dress is a formal gown, I do not own a gown, I merely borrowed it from a friend and I have bad luck when it comes to other people's things, cars, clothing, toilets, etc. Quote of the day "Make the stupid people shut up"


Anonymous said...

That's the same quote as day #21....running out of poses and quotes?

sweetwhitelady said...

you might find this quote a little more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Hi M.K.
Would you like a new job? Call me...