Tuesday, August 26

Summer gone sad...

In our never ending quest to be absolutely miserable we planned a 3 day, 33 mile hike on the Appalachian Trail during the tailend of a 4 week rainstorm. Even though it was pouring rain at start time we waited out for a clear spot and headed on the first leg of our journey. It mostly stopped raining but fog was hanging and the views were nonexistent. Then throw in the mud which on the trail is basically decaying matter and smells like death and yep you got one unhappy hiker. Blech it was nasty, my boots were soaked and my pants were covered in mud up to my knees. Not fun people, let me go home. Well I got my wish as we camped just one night and hiked out the 2nd day. Next time we will conquer this section, until then my boots are taking a break.

Fall comes way too fast especially when there is firewood to collect. Some friends had some downed trees they offered us so we sawed, split, and hauled the wood home. Okay really I just hauled and supervised because I do not touch mauls or chainsaws, they are just too dangerous for this accident prone chicka, but Mr. Anderson, he did his fair share of chainsawing and chopping last weekend. Ben got his reward though when we drove thru town like a couple of hillbillies with a load of wood and a chainsaw and wheelbarrow strapped on top of his man truck. It makes him happy to look like we fit in, and that day we looked like true Maine-ahs. Wow we have come a long ways in just one year.

Kind of seems most everyone has a blog these days but there are still those people out there who say the word BLOG like it is something quite special. My mom has a knack for that one and so does my grad school advisor. Last weekend at a work retreat me and my research partner asked our advisor if she would take a photo with us. Sure she said, I am sure Mindi wants to put it on her BLOG. Hmm only if it is funny or cool or something. Well it is kinda of funny, who knew we all had the same the left head tilt pose for photos. Neato huh??

Tuesday, August 12

Flying Rabid Mice

The other night I was chilling on the couch reading a magazine when I saw a huge moth come flying down the steps. I was like wow that is one ginormous moth and then I realized we had a bird in our living room. Oh a poor bird, trapped in the house. OMG NOT A BIRD! I screamed bloody murder and Ben came flying out of the kitchen to find me huddled on the couch under a blanket. After a bit of convincing that it was the man's job to take care of such things he followed the thing upstairs and trapped it in our bedroom. I had to have one more look and yes I was still scared, freaked out actually. Ben told me he didn't think I was the kind of girl to scream, like a girl anyways. Oh yes I am and you can hear it here.

The day after bat day, I jetted down to Washington DC to meet my buddy Darcie and her sisters and brother on their annual sibling bonding vacation. The first night we took a walk around the Lincoln and Vietnam Memorials and were joined by a flock of bats out hunting for dinner. How did they know I was going to be there?

Traveling in a group of 7 can be a challenge. What are we going to do? Where should we eat? Who has to go to the bathroom. Oh boy! But we had a great time, saw the sights and for just one day I got to be a member of their club. Check it out, I am the sister underneath the sailor. Thanks guys for making me feel welcome!