Thursday, May 31

Asleep at the Wheel - Not just a band...

but also a serious problem. I am all ready to make the drive out east alone starting Monday. I have begun mentally preparing myself to conquer 1475 miles across the great lands of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Canada and Maine. I hope to make it in one straight shot of about 25 hours but may have to break for a nap or two. KIDDING, I plan to spend the night somewhere along the way. Also I was gifted with a box of books on tape, so when I get to where I'm going I am going to be so SMART! Either that or I will be able to repeat Lake Wobegon Days verbatim in the voice of William Shatner. Hey I have to bring a little bit of Minnesota with me!

I have run into a few things that need to get done before I leave and man they are adding up fast, $1200 to seal the well, $500 to fix the oil leak in the Camry, $1.00 to change our mailing address. Plus trying to sneak in one last visit to the dentist, eye doctor and hairdresser has really put a damper on the social life. Phew, I can see why people put off moving as long as possible, it sucks!

Oh boy we got ants at work again, ants of the flying type. They are pretty nasty so we had EcoLab come and fog them out. No one is allowed in the conference room, even you super loud conference caller, take that call at your desk man. Looks like this is the last insect problem I will deal with at work, see you around sugar ants, flying ants and cockroaches, NOT!!!

Thursday, May 24

Lobster Lovers

Well the sign in the yard doesn't seem to be doing much. We have still had only one showing which does not justify me making my bed and doing the dishes everyday for the last 14 days. Boo-yah let's get this joint sold.

Memorial Day is upon us, aka the Gateway to summer and the best time of the year. Lonely Ben found a dude to take him out lobster trapping over the long weekend. That should be fun and saves him from being bored dead for 3 whole days. Apparently weekends alone are just not working out for him. I hope he learns how to snare the big ones as I am a big lobster fan.

I will be plenty busy here trying to get our cabin ready for the summer and packing for my big road trip across Canada. I have never been to Canada which isn't that unbelievable as most people go to Canada to fish or underage drink and I don't really do either. OHHHHH Canada!

Thursday, May 17

Maine on the Brain

Hmm you never know what surprises you may find when you venture out on a walk. Ben and company found this sweet lake behind our new house. Ignore the fact that they walked about 8 miles to run into this but still it is good to know we can find a lake when we need one. Maybe if I close my eyes I can even pretend I am at Lake Florida.

For those of you who enjoy lighthouses, you have come to the right place. Here is a neat candy striped one in Lubec, Maine, the eastern most point in the lower 48. Seriously people there are so many things to see and do here plus I just found out they even have a Target! You need to get out here and see it, heck I need to get out there and see it!!

Actually, due to recent developments I will be getting out there and seeing it very soon. I gave my two weeks at work today, Ben is flying home on June 1 and we are getting on with it. The house will sell when it sells, we are done putting our lives on hold to do so. I also found out I got into Grad school at UMO and start September 1, yay I'm gonna be a Black Bear! I will continue to work for enXco for at least the summer via the Internet but otherwise will be pretty fancy free this summer. COME SEE US!!

Tuesday, May 15

Home away from home.

I promised Ben I wouldn't sell any of his things while he was away but explain to me this, why does one man need 3 trucks? I don't think any of these beasts get over 10 miles to the gallon, thank goodness he can only drive one at a time. (To be fair the gray one in the middle is now property of Morrie's Auto and the maroon Jeep doesn't really go!)

We have our first house showing tonight at 8 o'clock. I know we shouldn't get our hopes up but I also know it only takes one buyer to make a sale. More fingercrossing would be good and thanks Grandma for your prayers, they are working.
Here's our sweet pad for the next 4 months. Ben says it is pretty nice but pretty lonely. I can't wait to join him there, living in separate houses might work for some couples but it isn't doing much for us. The blue cottage has 4 bedrooms and like 10 beds, if anyone wants to come visit, book your tickets and call us from the airport, we would love to have you!

Thursday, May 10

Sad Day

I can't get the picture below outta my head; Ben sitting behind the wheel of a car filled to the brim with clothes and camping gear, wearing a really sad look. Not that I blame the guy for looking sad, I lost all composure as we were saying goodbye. Being 2000 miles apart is going to be tough but we knew moving away would have its challenges, this is one of them. Luckily Father Bert was game for a road trip as Ben is a pro at sleeping while driving. The father-son duo are heading through Canada which should be a little more exciting than going via Chicago. Safe travels you two, MN isn't the same without you! Why am I here and Ben is there? Well we have this sweet piece of property we need to sell, check it out. Cross your fingers we find a buyer, I miss my bearded Asian already. If you decide to schedule a showing, please don't look in the oven, that is where I keep the dirty dishes!

I just got an update from the road and they lost a bike tire. The yakima wheelfork is a total piece of crap! I have lost a tire on two other occasions but have been able to recover it both times, today Ben was not that lucky. After searching for an hour and a half the guys gave up and Ben now owns a unicycle. And sadly enough, I was the one who talked him into using the dumb thing, darn it.

Thursday, May 3

Goons on Bikes

Hey some of us made the IronMan online photos! These 2 goons are just happy to be outside, look at their crazy smiles. And wow, nice matching blue helmets. That is me in between Dave and Ben in the black, way back there. Once again I got dropped on the hill and then add injury to insult, one of the bikes that dropped me was the fat guy on the recumbent. How embarassing....