• Who knew the rising cost of oil could made disposable chopsticks a luxury item. Check out this article,
Japan uses 25 billion chopsticks a year. Holy Hanoi, that is alot of chop. Have they ever heard of reusable utensils?
•The rain is getting a little old especially for people like me with short legs and long pants. I think my jeans are finally dry from the morning walk. What a drag, literally they drag all over.
•Check out this totally necessary e-mail I got today.
Did anyone order a water slide from JC Penny's?
Let me know. Thank You !!!
Receptionist / Clerical Assistant
I guess if you put that on a dumb scale, all my e-mails look pretty smart now, thanks Nikki.
•Mother's day is here again, Happy Mother's Day all you mothers. I have been checking out
this blog, which is a mom blog, but didn't start out that way. Dooce is the blog of a woman in LA who was fired from her job for blogging about co-workers, I remember hearing about it long before blogging was really a thing. Oh and if you have a mom please call her. Mine just called me, obviously disgusted with me for not calling 2 days. Yep Mom I am still alive and Ben and I are still together.
•Okay I am out, have a nice weekend.