Tuesday, May 23

Hey this is Sherman

-The weddings have begun, oh good grief. I think between Ben and I we have a wedding every month right up to 2007. My intentions to be prepared and avoid the pre wedding rush has never worked out and this wedding was no exception. We had even bought the present 6 weeks ago and still were frantically wrapping it 15 minutes before we left will simultaneously shaving, ironing and applying make-up. Good grief who needs the stress.

-July's wedding is in Flint Michigan and Sunday I was on the phone trying to book a hotel room.

Operator: "Comfort Inn Hotels, can I get your name?"
Me: "Sure it is Mindi"
Operator: "Okay Sherman how can I help you"

-Ben bought an old lawn tractor on eBay and Sunday morning we went and picked the relic up. Well the thing is so old Ben didn't even know how to work it. He hopped on it to back it off the trailer and pushed in the clutch. "The brake, where's the brake?" It is not on the right and Ben started rolling backwards. All the sudden the flip trailer flipped and Ben went flying into the corner of the garage. There was some paint exchanged but I was not run over and Ben did not get hurt so we are all good. Not smart but all good.

Monday, May 15

Family Time

Hah, who says I don't have a sense of humor, I still posted this picture even though everyone said "oh that is going to go on the blog, that is so funny" Check out my mom's, my sister's and my shirt, we look like a walking stoplight.

Oh sad day, the Hockey Hall of Fame in Eveleth is closing its doors. It's a bummer I never stopped, all the times I went by.

Check it! Trader Joe's opened in St. Louis Park today. Yah!!

Friday, May 12

Chopsticks are big news

• Who knew the rising cost of oil could made disposable chopsticks a luxury item. Check out this article, Japan uses 25 billion chopsticks a year. Holy Hanoi, that is alot of chop. Have they ever heard of reusable utensils?

•The rain is getting a little old especially for people like me with short legs and long pants. I think my jeans are finally dry from the morning walk. What a drag, literally they drag all over.

•Check out this totally necessary e-mail I got today.

Did anyone order a water slide from JC Penny's?
Let me know. Thank You !!!

Receptionist / Clerical Assistant

I guess if you put that on a dumb scale, all my e-mails look pretty smart now, thanks Nikki.

•Mother's day is here again, Happy Mother's Day all you mothers. I have been checking out this blog, which is a mom blog, but didn't start out that way. Dooce is the blog of a woman in LA who was fired from her job for blogging about co-workers, I remember hearing about it long before blogging was really a thing. Oh and if you have a mom please call her. Mine just called me, obviously disgusted with me for not calling 2 days. Yep Mom I am still alive and Ben and I are still together.

•Okay I am out, have a nice weekend.

Tuesday, May 9

28 Miles, ugh

Ben and I had been dreading this past weekend for quite some time. He had a final presentation, paper and exam all due and I had a half-marathon that I had not been training for. Well let's just say they both passed, we are both still alive and my dead toe will come around.

In between all the stuff we had to do, we got to do a canoe race. It was fun, but long, 15 miles in a canoe on a lazy river is not fast or comfortable but it was a gorgeous day on Saturday. Check out the photo, we got passed, passed like we were standing still, passed like we had a 80 lb canoe. Oh wait we did have an 80 lb canoe, a big old cooler and a lazy paddler in front (yep that's me). But like I said it was fun, you all should try it.

Tuesday, May 2

Love Builds a Bridge

That spans 71 years?!? Wowzaa a 33 year old man has wed his 104 year old sweetheart. See Article. Excuse me Mr, I think you overlooked a couple of key pieces of information here, she is 104 and has been married 20 times before. Just let the poor woman die in peace and stop interfering with her. I mean seriously look at the photo she is mesmerized by a shiny piece of paper, she has little valuable time left and does not need the burden of another husband.