Friday, July 29

It's a Boy!

A big one, Poor Kari - the bugger weighed 9 lbs 12 oz. First name Wyatt, last name Steele. I didn't catch the middle name.

Midget Fit

Oh man, you never know what you are going to see when you ride the bus, especially the bus from Anoka. Bus 850 left the Foley street park and ride without one of it's regular riders this morning. Molly midget or should I call her Mini Molly had a fit as the bus drove past and man oh man did her little arms and legs go flailing. It was hilarious. To my delight she got on our bus, stood on her tiptoes and paid fare and declared to the bus that she was going "To kick her (the bus driver) ass on Monday morning" I am tempted to ride the bus on Monday just to witness a little person kick a big person's ass.

Tuesday, July 26

I need this shirt

So I don't forget to say sup every once in a while.

Dave Matthews Alpine Valley

Driving 12 hours in 2 days was worth it for a show with this setlist.....

Dream Girl
Stand Up
Dancing Nancies
[Outro (Norwegian Wood) ]
Steady As We Go
Hunger For The Great Light
Jimi Thing
You Never Know
When The World Ends
Out Of My Hands
What Would You Say
Too Much
Old Dirt Hill
Two Step

Excessive liquor and no food made us a little goofy. Doesn't Rerun look a little squirel like?

Yeah Baby

Congrats Lance!

I hate to admit it but I just didn't have time for Lance this year, I didn't even watch one day of tour coverage.

I may have to start calling him my ex-boyfriend, calling him my boyfriend confuses people.

Monday, July 18

AH Cripes!

I cannot believe I got audited by the state for my 2002 income taxes. Apparently I did something wrong and now owe $440? Screw you Xee Xang.

Wednesday, July 13

OMG you could do so much better Lance

Do I look old enough to be my mother?

So either our bartender was blind or I have really aged. Tonight I got carded at a mexican restaurant in San Diego, the dude asked my age, I said 27, he replied "47!!! Wow where are you from I gotta move there", I replied "No I am Twenty-Seven." I then realized I am still 26 and he kinda believed I might be 47, I feel violated.

Monday, July 11

I wonder how many of these are true.

Because I always thought secrets were lies.

Friday, July 8

Dude Josh Hartnett's G-friend is not cute.

Woodstock you had a chance, it may have passed pending your engagment and upcoming marriage.

Darcie is A-OK

here is the message I got yesterday from my high school buddy who lives in DT London.

I'm sure most of you have heard about the blasts in London and normally I would have been quite a long ways away from the excitement but today I had taken the day off of school to sort out some visa stuff with my passport. So I left in the morning when I normally do which was about 8:10. I was going to get a tube pass and make it a day in london since I had the day off so I was going to get off at Kings Cross Station...which so far has had 21 get to the USA Embassy quicker. So the bus was packed when we got to kings cross and I knew that the station would be packed so decided to stay on the bus...this was about 8:45. I later found out that the bomb at that station went off at 8:51. I didnt find out about what had happen until I was at the Embassy and even then it was reported as 1 blast and that it was a power surge that caused it. By the time I finished at the Embassy and walked to the next place I had found out that all public transport was suspended because the top had been blown off a double-decker bus and that there were more bombs that went off. The buses hadn't been suspended right away so everyone who would normally be on the tube were now using the bus and they really pack people on those buses!! On my way home, which I along with everyone else had to walk, the streets were almost of the most crowded streets in london, Oxford Street, which at any other time you can't even walk straight because of the number of people and you are risking your life by crossing the streets with all the cars and buses was almost empty...maybe one or two cars on the street. It took me 3 hours to walk home. Anywho, home safe now so I was lucky. No school tomorrow because most people take public transport so everyone was effected somehow. Thanks to those who called or wrote!!

Thursday, July 7

Wednesday, July 6

Hey Snoopy

You look annoyed or drunk.

Check this site daily

everyone with half a brain should be watching this.

Tuesday, July 5

The Peanuts cast revised

After a long weekend of thinking I have shifted some cast members around and added a few interesting people.

Snoopy is now -bethi
spike - sarahg
woodstock - kellyr
charlie brown -bena
lucy- mindik
little red haired girl - nancyt
shroeder - paulw
sally- tonyap
peppermint patty- katei
pigpen - antonp
rerun - jamiem
frieda(girl with naturally curly hair) - therese
charlie brown's teacher who talks but says no words - natw

I need this shirt...

Friday, July 1


Wow 664 lbs, that is disgusting.

So I have decided to revive this blog

I thought I had given up this web log crap but rather then read blogs for 5 hours a day I should just try writing my own again. Plus I got the pictures to work

The work cast is
Charlie Brown -ik
Peppermint Patty-ki
Pig Pen-ap
non work people who I am sure will come up
Linus-any suggestions?
Rerun-any suggestions?

Okay so Pig Pen brought donuts, that man loves donuts, Charlie Brown and him talked donuts for a good half hour. Boys are dumb

Oh now it stinks like rotten produce. Yep we have confirmation there is overdue, unwashed radishes being consumed in Pig Pen's corner.

This is how I feel everyday when I am strapped to this chair. Posted by Picasa